Uncovering your Light Level 1
Service Description
You are born at a specific time, date and place; the imprint of the cosmic energies on your soul at birth is the handbook of your unique energy signature in this life. With that in mind, understanding the essential characteristics of your unique energy signature is crucial for performing at your best! This ninety-minute session is the first chapter of your life book and is a gold mine of inner resources required to live a happy, fulfilling life! The Self-Discovery level 1 offering is an excellent self-exploration journey designed to help you learn about yourself and provide you with tools to embody and maximize your authentic energy signature. By the end of this session, you’ll get the following: The knowledge of your needs and wants and how to fulfill them; A thorough comprehension of the essential characteristics of your energy field; The ability to make conscious choices, empowering decisions and co-create the life you want and deserve; The self-care routine required for your energy field to perform at its best; The clarity, confidence, higher consciousness and enlightenment needed to navigate life consciously; The ability to accept, appreciate and love your True Self and live life on your term; Tools geared to help you maintain inner balance; And much more… Together, these concepts and tools provide insight and understanding of your energy field's layers which is the key to unlocking your true self. Self-Awareness is critical to navigating life with clarity and confidence while finding and maintaining inner balance. *All sessions will be held via Zoom; the link can be found in your confirmation email as well as your calendar invitation A recording will be sent at the end of the session within 48 hours. Please email alia@alialaurabale.com for any questions
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